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What’s CoLiving?

Core urban areas are seeing a continues growth, which creates a huge shortage of refined, yet affordable housing. That’s why the search of living alternatives has begun.

Coliving is a modern form of housing where residents get a private bedroom in a fully furnished home, with shared living spaces. CoLiving is a lifestyle centered around an intentional community that provides shared housing for people with similar values or intentions. In today’s sharing economy, young people — millennials, especially — have embraced the concept of sharing rides, experiences, a coworking space, and now homes. Coliving simply makes this more accessible and convenient in major cities.

Sheltr offers an unbeatable rent formula, combining price & quality. The sustainable answer to traditional housing by reducing your footprint, spend less money and have more fun. We believe that people want to belong, be proud and feel happy. By connecting to likeminded people and living in mutual respect to one another, you create a unique living experience.

In short
Home sharing (sustainable cohabitation) is a (cheaper) solution for single people and young starters to continue living in the city after their studies. Indications of durable cohabitation are:

  • The residents live together in a sustainable way as a family in a single-family house or flat.
  • All residents are domiciled and have their main residence in the dwelling.
  • There’s a joint account from which joint expenses are paid.
  • The property has one doorbell, one letterbox, one entrance. There are no separate meters for utilities.
  • The residents freely choose to live together in one dwelling and run a household together.

Seems like a sweet deal if you ask me?

A key feature of our Sheltr program is to live an unworried life. You will minimise your downtime organising your household. And have more time for the fun stuff.

What do I need to arrange before moving in?

There is nothing more annoying than administrative burden. Our cost-effective program makes it as easy as possible for the end-consumer to start to live. Pay your deposit (2 month rent) and your first month of rent. We will give you the access code to get in.

What do I need to bring?

All houses are fully equipped. So you don’t need to bring anything. Just bring your stuff, we’ll take care of the rest.

Do you only have houses in Antwerp?

As we are an Antwerp based company, we felt most comfortable to start operating here. That’s why we can assure, we also give the best possible insights to what the town has to offer. As we partner up with smart living specialist YUST, we do not alone share services, but we also plan to open houses near their new locations in Brussels, Liege and even Lisbon.

How to apply for a room?

“It’s easy like Sunday morning!”

  • Fill out our GET A ROOM form
  • You get a link to book a call with us
  • Once we got to know each other, we will send you several options available
  • Select your home and room
  • Sign your digital lease
  • Pay the deposit and 1st month of lease
  • Get your entrance code
  • Pack your bags!

Can anyone apply for a room?

Sheltr is a place for cowboys. For single lovers, dandies and stockbrokers. For tour guides and sommeliers. Poets and firemen. Sheltr is a place for everyone. Everyone can apply for a room

Unfortunately students (w/ exception of doctorates) can not be admitted. They have a very different lifestyle, but have plenty of other housing options.

What is the minimum stay?

We offer extremely flexible lease contract with a minimum stay of 3 months. With a maximum of 3 years.

What is included in the price?

To simplify your stay, our rooms are rented at an all-inclusive rate with no additional costs.
Concerned about the energy prices? Well, that’s now our problem. Electricity, gas, water & insurance is included.
But that’s also for housekeeping, filtered tap water, waste disposal, maintenance products, general household supplies, Wi-Fi, Netflix, fresh bed sheets, towels, … The real hotel service deal, if you ask me!!

What does your standard bedrooms look like? Do I have to share a bathroom?

Our standard bedrooms have an extremely comfy French queen-sized bed (140x200cm), a desk with chair, nightstand, reading lamp, a custom-build closet and private storage. The bathroom always has a shower and a sink, no bath.
Only our pocket bedrooms share bathroom and/or toilet. The suites have the extra chill-out area.

What are the shared spaces in your homes?

Every house has a different set up and has its own designed shared spaces.
But you’ll always find a fully-equipped kitchen, dining area, a living room with TV, a laundry room and a lovely outdoor space. Some have extra features such as a gym, cinema room and CoWorking space!

Can I visit the house before my booking?

Yes. If the house is still under construction, we won’t have final pictures, we can invite you for a tour before you sign your lease.
If the house is operational, we don’t want to disturb the residents. In that case, we will be happy to give you a very good overview of all the rooms in the house, via pictures and plans. And answer all your specific questions.

Why are there no house addresses on the website?

For the security of our members and neighbours, we prefer not to reveal the exact address of our houses. However, you can check the approximate location on the house page. Don’t worry, we will send you the address when you receive the entire information on your room & house.

Does the house have a proper security system?

All our houses are equipped with the Salto Smart-Lock systems. Via an APP, you will be able unlock your room and entrance door. You can also enter your house with a personalized code, in case your cellphone battery dies.

Are the houses and operations sustainable to today’s standards?

By taking all the #LittleGreenSteps possible, we believe will make a difference together. CoLiving in general encourages sustainable living through communal sharing! Residents share some common spaces and/or services in order to consume less.

By thinking about the planet, we are building to a better future.

At Sheltr we share a ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ philosophy within every house:

  • We claim that those under our roof ensure nothing goes to waste — assets of all kinds are swapped, borrowed, and shared
  • Sheltr reduces its impact through sustainably design spaces such as vintage furniture, the most sustainable design elements, and take long-life choices
  • Installed LED lighting throughout the building
  • Solar panel energy is placed to power every building
  • We offer filtered (sparkling) tap water to reduce bottle consumption
  • We request to meticulously manage trash with the emphasis maximum recycling
  • We only purchase responsible maintenance goods and household products
  • We claim the idea of moderate use of energy & water

Shared housing is based on a common life project that encourages the inhabitants to get in touch with each other. It respects the diversity of the inhabitants and pools a number of social and cultural resources. CoLiving is based on a philosophy of common life that translates into solidarity, participation, citizenship, conviviality, ecology, cooperation, the sharing of equipment and services and a better quality of life!

Is it possible to design my room at my own taste?

Sheltr offers fully equipped rooms, design furniture and top-notch pieces of art. So, no need to modify in our opinion.

Of course, everybody has his way to make himself feel at home. So please do so. As long as you don’t damage walls, floors or other surfaces and return your bedroom to the state in which you found it.

Can I invite someone for a sleepover?

Sure. As long you don’t push it. Maximum 7 days a month. Please inform your housemates in advance and check if they’re ok with it.

Is it possible to book as a couple?

Yes, but it depends on the type of room. Some rooms are just not made for couples. So we only tolerate couples in our Suites and ask a 200EUR surcharge on the initial price.

What about pets?

A pet can be a great companion. Although, we feel that you will have more than enough friendship with your fellow residents. Kidding aside, the real reason of us not tolerating pets are for hygienic and allergic reasons.

Can I switch between houses?

If the room you’re applying for is available, no problem! Just let us know via email and we’ll take care of your options.

Is it possible to park my bike or car?

CoLiving is a sharing philosophy. Reduce your costs and temper your ecological footprint. That’s why we recommend you to go for public mobility, shared services such as bicycles, Poppy cars, steps,…

A bike is the best way to move around Antwerp. No more than 15min and you are literally everywhere!! Please make use of the shared bike service called “Velo”. You can drop them of a bit everywhere and is always the safest option.
Most houses have no possibility to offer garage spaces. In case you do have one, several garages are in walking distance of the house.

Is it possible to end my lease earlier than expected?

No problem. Please send us an email and we will handle your request as best as possible. Please note that we operate with a 3 month notice period. There’s no financial penalty apart from the 3-month rent which you need to pay during the notice period.

Can I withdraw from my contract before check-in?

You have the right to withdraw from your agreement within fourteen days before arrival. The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day of the conclusion of the rent.

What if I don’t feel comfortable with something or someone?

Our Sheltr Community Managers are available for you via Whatsapp, email or even phone. Whatever happens, you will be taken care of. Rest assured, you are in good hands.

Could you inform me about tax legislation for cohabitation?

For residents’ income taxes, it only matters whether cohabitants are married or unmarried. So cohabitation does not affect your taxes. Cohabitation is part of 21st century society, as are same-sex marriages, euthanasia, co-parenting, more singles and an ageing population. So there is a need for legal recognition of cohabitation.
An occupant of a commune can be registered in as a single person as every member signs an individual contract.

What about house rules?

Last but not the least!

We encourage a lifestyle that respects each other’s values.
We are a sustainable cohabitation with strict house rules and thereby binding contract, with emphasis on noise, rubbish and sustainability. Therefore, we expect each resident to occupy the house as a good housekeeper, maintain it in an impeccable condition and have respect for design interior, fellow residents and neighbors.

We have implemented our 10 commandments which define our values:

① Respect each other & your neighbours.
② Communication can solve any problem.
③ Peace & Quiet hours between 10pm – 8am.
④ Turn off lighting when leaving. Energy is your future.
⑤ Save water. And it will save you.
⑥ Remember that dishes don’t clean themselves.
⑦ No Smoking. You’re already smoking hot.
⑧ Clean up your own mess.
⑨ Let your housemates know when you’re having someone over.
♥ Think Planet. Live Plastic Free & Consume with care.